CatRescue PurrFect PartnersWho’s a PurrFect Partner? You Are!

Ongoing weekly donations ensure that CatRescue 901 has a regular income we can rely on. By being a regular donator you provide the backbone for our financial planning which allows us to plan ahead and budget, and determines the number of cats we can sustain in foster care.

Now we are rehoming through six PETstock stores, we have the ability to save so many more lives. Whilst this is wonderful, it does mean we need to increase our monthly income in order to fund this. Adoption fees rarely come close to covering our costs. Please help us get more homeless babies off the street and into warm, loving homes.

It costs approximately $38 per month for food and litter for one cat, but you can choose to donate whatever amount you choose and even donate monthly.


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Please contact us if you need any assistance with setting up a weekly donation or help with cancelling an existing ongoing donation.

To donate please click an icon to select your donation amount.


Weekly Donation $5
Weekly Donation $10
Weekly Donation $15
Weekly Donation $20
Weekly Donation $25


Weekly Donation $30
Weekly Donation $40
Weekly Donation $50
Weekly Donation $75
Weekly Donation $100


Please contact us if you need any assistance with making a donation.

CatRescue 901 is a not for profit, no kill rescue group. We are a network of volunteers. We do not receive any government funding and rely solely on the goodwill and support of the community to sustain our life saving work.

CatRescue 901 is a registered charity CFN 23215 with Tax Deductible Gift Recipient status. Donations $2 and over are tax deductible. We will email you a taxation statement after the end of the financial year.

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CatRescue 901: Changing the world for cats, one at a time, together.



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If you wish to cancel an ongoing payment please click here.