Unfortunately we are not in a position to offer subsidised desexing at this time due to lack of funds.

We believe that the single most important contribution to companion animal welfare is desexing. Apart from preventing many unwanted, homeless kittens being born, desexing improves the quality of the lives and health of companion animals. Desexing is the most effective way to reduce stray populations and the high number of unwanted cats in pounds at risk of euthanasia. For more information on the benefits of desexing click here.

To make a donation please click on an icon below. You can donate via PayPal or Credit Card. The last icon is for any other amount.

Desexing Donation $5

Desexing Donation $10

Desexing Donation $15

Desexing Donation $20

Desexing Donation $30

Desexing Donation $50

Desexing Donation $75

Desexing Donation $100

Desexing Donation $150

Desexing Donation $___


To apply for a Subsidised Desexing voucher, please click here.

Mother cat with kittens imageEvery September, CatRescue 901 runs our Subsidised Desexing Program, where certificate holders pay $50 per cat and we pay the balance of the desexing cost to the vet. Even with voucher holders contributing this amount, it still leaves us with extremely high vet bills at the end of the program.

We rely solely on the generosity of community donations to be able to run this program. At the same time we still have our day to day costs of running CatRescue to cover. If you would like to make a contribution to our Subsidised Desexing Program, please donate using the icons above.

To apply for subsidised desexing, please go to our Subsidised Desexing page (available in our menu when the program is active) from 1 September (available as long as funds last) to apply via the web application form. If the form is not available, it means the program is not currently active.

Please contact us if you need any assistance with making a donation.

CatRescue 901 is a not for profit, no kill rescue group. We are a network of volunteers. We do not receive any government funding and rely solely on the goodwill and support of the community to sustain our life saving work. CatRescue 901 is a registered charity, CFN 23215 with tax Deductible Gift Recipient status. Donations $2 and over are tax deductible. We will email you a taxation statement around the end of the financial year.

This site is protected by PayPal and SSL security, payments are safe.



CatRescue 901: Changing the world for cats, one at a time, together.