image of catSharing our lives with companion animals is a wonderful experience. They are always happy to see us, are there when we need them, and they fill our lives with unconditional love. Research has proven that living with animals greatly improves our health, increases our life span, and assists with preventing and managing depression.

In exchange for this companionship, we need to commit to them for the duration of their life, provide veterinary care when they are sick and give them the love and respect they deserve. For this reason, choosing to adopt a companion animal is a big decision and should be made with careful consideration to ensure that we can live up to these responsibilities. The animals we adopt are at our mercy, and depend entirely on us for their survival. Without us, they become yet another tragic pound statistic.

Before adopting you must ask yourself the following questions:
  • Can I provide an animal with a permanent and safe home for the duration of their life? This may be 10 – 20yrs. Will I be able to provide them with the company and attention they need?
  • If I have other animals, how would they feel if I brought home a new animal?
  • Can I realistically afford the on-going costs associated with caring for an animal? This includes veterinary treatment, quality food and litter.
  • How does my family / partner / flatmate feel about living with an animal? Do any of them have allergies or phobias? Would they mind an animal being indoors (some people feel strongly about not letting animals inside)?
  • If renting, will my landlord allow animals? Can I guarantee that when I move I will prioritise finding a home that will allow animals, even if this home is not my first choice, or takes longer to find?
  • Do I plan on traveling? If so, can I find a responsible adult to look after an animal? Can I afford boarding?

If you are unsure and would like to discuss the reality of adopting an animal, don’t hesitate to contact us. You may also like to consider becoming a foster carer for a period of time to see if adopting an animal is the best decision for you.