great kitty pound heist image

On 27 December 2016, the CatRescue 901 team rescued 50 kitties (48 kittens + 1 mama cat + 1 pregnant cat) from Blacktown Animal Holding Facility in Western Sydney.

All 50 kitties were then carefully and safely transported to our team of experienced Melbourne carers who will look after them with the absolute best care to get them ready for adoption.

All cats and kittens will be desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, litter trained, flea and worm treated prior to adoption.

We are going to need your help!

1. The vet costs for these 50 kittens is going to be enormous.
Most of the kittens are sick at present and need ongoing veterinary care and medication. Once these kitties are healthy they will be desexed, vaccinated, and microchipped so that they can be placed up for adoption once their four week’s quarantine has been completed. To make a donation to help us with the veterinary costs for these 50 kitties, please click here.
Donate Now

2. Over the coming weeks we need maximum exposure to find adopters in the Melbourne area for these 50 kitties.
We will post the details of kittens and cats ready for adoption on the Kitty Heist Facebook page. If you have family or friends in Melbourne, please tag them so they can help spread the word to help find these kitties their forever homes.

FACEBOOK - Great Kitty Pound Heist


How can you help us help the cats?

Donate Now Please help us with the cost of veterinary treatment for these 50 kitties.

FACEBOOK - Great Kitty Pound Heist Share on Facebook.

PurrFect Partners Of course we really need to increase our monthly income in order to fund this. Whilst it’s amazing we are rehoming so many more, the bottom line is we are losing more money as it’s rare that the adoption fee goes near covering the costs. We have to feed, flea and worm treat the cats and of course they are always microchipped, desexed and vaccinated. Often there are also a number of vet visits. In order to help us fund this, we are looking for more monthly donators or weekly donators: even just $10 on a regular basis will help us help a lot more cats and kittens.



CatRescue 901: Changing the world for cats, one at a time, together.