CatRescue 901 is a small team of volunteers who are dedicated to helping cats in need in pounds and the community. We do not receive any funding and are only able to continue our vital rescue work thanks to the generosity of the community. Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Thank you for your support.

The bottom line is that unless you can find a way to keep your pet, there is no guarantee of what will happen and how well they will be cared for and loved; and taking them to a pound or shelter is an almost certain death sentence.
If you want to rehome your pet the first thing you must do is consider the facts. There are so many people abandoning their animals each day (many of these animals will be destroyed) that your chance of finding a suitable home, in the available time you have, is extremely limited. The Cat Protection Society, Animal Welfare League and RSPCA will accept your unwanted pet, however there is a very high chance that he or she will be killed, again because there are just so many animals being abandoned.
Do not think that surrendering your pet to a pound or shelter is ‘the only thing’, ‘the right thing’ or ‘the kindest thing’. It the laziest option, and you will be breaking a commitment. As a consequence your pet who trusts and loves you will most likely be killed.
Next, you must ask yourself “why do I want to rehome my pet?” and “can I avoid doing this?” You may feel that you have a legitimate reason for needing to rehome your pet, but is it really necessary? There are many reasons why people may feel that rehoming is their only option, but at closer inspection, it seldom actually is.
Finding a solution may take some creativity, or compromise, and it may be difficult at first, but if the alternative is taking your pet to a pound or shelter where they will be killed, it is the only responsible, ethical and humane thing to do. This is part of the commitment you made when you decided to adopt an animal, and long term commitments are sometimes not easy to honour, but without you your pet faces an uncertain and grim future.
If you believe that you really have to rehome your pet, and have accepted the realities of doing so, then we recommend you do the following:
- We recommend that you contact The Animal Adoption Agency in Penrith. They run a rehoming service (for a fee which covers the cost of food and advertising) and are strictly no kill.
- Perform an internet search to locate rescue groups in your area. Contacting them and asking for help or advice will increase your chances of finding a home. There may even be a group who can assist by taking your pet (always ask if they have a ‘no kill’ policy), however, these people will mostly be volunteers and in a similar situation to CatRescue 901.
- If your pet is a ‘breed’ you should contact a rescue group specific to that breed. If you purchased your pet from a breeder, you should also contact them to ask for assistance.
- Make posters of your pet (include a clear photo and description) and display them around your suburb, in shopping centres, and vet clinics. You could also email these posters to everyone you know, and ask them to forward the email to everyone else they know.
- If you use a social networking site like Facebook or Twitter, you could either announce it on your page that you need to find a home for your cat, or you could create a new Facebook page purely to find a home for your cat, and then forward the page to all your online friends.
- Email all your work colleagues, friends and family to see if anyone you know would consider taking your pet. If you find yourself running out of time (you may be moving or going overseas for a holiday) you could also ask if they could provide a temporary home until something permanent becomes available.
It could take months to find them a new home, especially if it is during the warmer months (this coincides with kitten season and when people are away on holidays) or if your pet is older. It is also essential that your pet is desexed, microchipped and up to date with their vaccinations before you attempt to rehome them. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact CatRescue 901 for assistance with desexing.
Most people who contact CatRescue 901 wanting to surrender their cat do so because:
- They are moving house
- Going overseas
- Their pet has behavioural problems
- They are too busy to care for them anymore
- They have recently had a baby and now feel that don’t have the time or commitment to care for their cat now the baby has come along, or are (irrationally) concerned that the cat may hurt the baby
Although it is interesting that the vast majority of the cats we are contacted about have just turned 1yrs old and are now out of the cute kitten stage.
If you are considering rehoming your pet, please think again and explore all other possibilities, even if you find it is not the most convenient or economic solution. You may find soon, that your situation changes again.
For people who are moving into a nursing home, or are forced to rehome their pet due to the loss of a loved one, please contact us and we will attempt to assist you with your situation. We understand that this is extremely difficult time for you, and beyond your control.
CatRescue 901: Changing the world for cats, one at a time, together.