CatRescue 901 is a small team of volunteers who are dedicated to helping cats in need in pounds and the community. We do not receive any funding and are only able to continue our vital rescue work thanks to the generosity of the community. Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Thank you for your support.
Cats always do best in their own home environment when you are away. Traditional boarding can be very stressful starting with a car ride to a strange location with unfamiliar sounds, sights and smells and often many other animals.
Kerry Bailey & the team from Pet Sitters Australia has the perfect ‘in home’ visiting solutions – loving, well trained, qualified & background checked carers who come for daily visits in your cats own home! Come home to a happy, healthy and relaxed cat. Choosing an at home service allows your cat/s their routine and familiar surroundings with daily loving care and is often a more convenient option for the owners.
Pet Sitters Australia also has other options available more suitable to kittens’ needs.
PLUS Every new client booking from Catrescue 901 will lead to a donation of a percentage of the fees to CatRescue.
Please note it is very imporant to book a long way ahead of time during school holidays and especially at Christmas/New Year.
To find out more call Kerry 0405-498-528 or email or to book go to this form.