CatRescue 901 is a small team of volunteers who are dedicated to helping cats in need in pounds and the community. We do not receive any funding and are only able to continue our vital rescue work thanks to the generosity of the community. Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Thank you for your support.
CatRescue 901 is a not for profit, no kill rescue group. We are a network of volunteers. We do not receive any government funding and rely solely on the goodwill and support of the community to sustain our life saving work.
Our CatRescue team make financial donations and also donate their time and we are acutely aware it is vital to keep administration costs to a minimum. Whilst we must meet our legal obligations as a charity, the vast majority of donations go directly to saving lives and caring for our cats and kittens.
CatRescue 901 is a registered charity CFN 23215 with Tax Deductible Gift Recipient status. Donations $2 and over are tax deductible. You will receive a taxation statement after the end of the financial year.
Please donate below.
Donate to the CR 901 Food Hub Fund
CatRescue 901: Their paws are in our hands.